Thursday, March 7, 2013

Not all those who wander are lost..

"Now chose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the Lord is your life, and he will give you many years in the land he swore to give to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob."

wow, what a message Moses gave to his people at the end of his life,

When you think of Moses what do you think of? The things he has done and seen and helped in...he saw the face of God, he spoke to God in no other prophet had done before or again....

and even he, because he did not trust God fully was denied entrance into the promise land. The very people that saw the parting of a sea, ate mana, followed fire by night and a pillar of salt by day, the very people who actually heard God's voice and pleaded for it to stop...THEY because of their lack of faith were denied entrance to the promised land.

What blessing do we miss out on every-time we worry, fret, or think we know better, when we get impatient, or complain? If you simply said  prayer every-time you wanted to complain about something instead of actually complaining, how much time would you spend with God a day? If you slowed down to pray before you get angry, or frustrated at a person or situation wouldn't that show the world a better way to live. Don't you long to have people notice you and say, what is it about that person...

Think of the children I interact with each day, the ones that might hear me complain to my boss about being tired, or overwhelmed because of the noise, that might hear me say something negative about a co-worker, or worse yet, another child. How can I sit these children down and teach them story after story of the amazing things God can and will do, and then show such little faith in his plans?

What am I missing out on? What are the children learning, thinking, yes I teach them letters, and bible stories, but could I not teach them humility, patients, and a faith in God.

Can you take one day and tally on your hand or a piece of paper right by you each and every-time you complain in the day, even if it's telling someone your feet hurt, or your hungry....then at the end of the day can you count them up and spend a minute for each complaint in prayer or in God's word? Can we be aware enough in our words and actions to even realize what we are saying. How much pain, and complications could be avoided if we just slowed down and trusted God.

What if?

The power of prayer I'll never get over it, but think again of the Israelites... think of what they had that we don't..and think of how many trials and miserable years in exile they could have avoided if they had been just a little more trusting when it came to what God could do. Just think.

If you don't want to do the complaining one, try tallying each time you worry, even if it's something like you worry the pants you are wearing make you look fat... and at the end of the day spend one minute for each tally mark in prayer or meditation...

How inconvenient life is sometimes and then; too realize that maybe it's your fault...not other people...what choices have you made that other people have to suffer through with you?

What do you wish to show the children?

May God be your strength and your shield...and in his strength may you find peace, hope, and most of all complete and uncomplicated child like trust in your Savior Jesus Christ.


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