Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Adjustments....the amazing power for adults to adapt...how hard that can be for the first few days.

Time gets all wobbly wobbly and it's such a big deal in the moment at the time. Another kid being added to your already full room. A rule that is suddenly being enforced that could be inconvenient to follow...

A sudden move, or just everything happening at once..

BAM... And you as an adult have to deal, calmly, respectfully, eventually...

Delayed obedience is still disobedience,..

Have you ever watched a child deal with change? Even a thing like a change in the weather, an approaching snow storm, end of summer, end of school, Christmas break...oh we start out young being creatures of habits... And it doesn't go away as we get older we just hide it...or hide from it...

Children go haywire when a change is coming...think about it if not publicly...don't we grown ups do the same ting...I challenge you to slow down breath and before you open your mouth to complain...pray..

" Father, with you all things are possiable"

Think of something that was ganna be a big deal...how much your mind built up this dread of a specific kid being moved into your room. Or the thought of getting 20 plus children in snow gear everyday...and I can look back now and go..huh...I freaked out over that? I feel silly.

Today I rolled down a hill in the snow with my kids multiple times...there were barely any fights because we were interacting with them...adjustments...I had to adjust so I could interact with the kids and not just trying to keep up with my daiy plans..I get to work earlier..once a week I stay after work...adjust...

It's funny the things I've said I can't do...I can't work with babies...I nannied for one...I can't teach..I'm teaching, I can't live in the city...going on 4 years now plus 2 of college before that... I can and I do..and though I'm struggling with waiting on Gods timing to get out of the city...I can and I have lived in it...

To be a child of God is not to get everything you want when you want as the world expects..no it's to pick up your crosses daiy, to follow Gods will and to trust him to give you what you need, when you need it.. Not when you want it....

He gives us the ability to adapt...and I thank God for my adaptability...as well as pray for it to be made stronger.


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