Hi I'm Leah, I have student loan debt. I've been paying on them since 2009 have not missed a payment have not used forbearance. My original loan amount on one of my 2 loans was $8,300.00. Today my balance is 7,774.00 I've payed $ 119-133 a month for 10 years. Do the math I've paid something like 14K on a 8K loan.... That's not what I signed up for. That is only 1 of my loans not counting my husbands loans. We are in a scary amount of debt and if the math looks like that on all of them its soul crushing. That is NOT my fault. Telling me I should not have took on the debt in the first place is not helpful. If anything its hurtful.
I worked hard through college I did community college for 2 years and had 3 part time jobs. I might have gone out of state, I might have got a useless degree but I also didn't take out loans for all 4 years so I feel I'm allowed a couple bad decisions. I love teaching, If I hadn't gone away I would be a very different person today. I would not have met my husband, I would not have my daughter. I would not have had the experience and the social growth I had finally leaving my parents. College is still the best time of my life and I'm loving parenthood. Yes I have debt. Debt I was told I would be able to pay off in 10 years. (which I did by double the amount) Debt that the interest rate has gone up, up, up and my balance hasn't gone down. Being told it's my fault and I should have worked harder through college and after is a pretty crappy thing to say to someone.
So before you throw up another go to trade school post. Remember if everyone went to trade school you would have no doctors, no teachers, no social workers, no human services. Just be happy your passion and likes happened to be something you could pursue through trade school. I'm glad you don't have the cloud of debt hanging over your head. I wish it on no one. Yes I plan on encouraging my daughter to go to a community college or a trade school and work hard. I will not ask her to compromise on her dreams or her passions, I hope to set her up for a future that doesn't look like mine because honestly mine sucks.
Why do we have to focus so hard on the negative or the self?" Look at me I have no student debt because I went to trade school," "I got through school on scholarships. why didn't you? it can be done." Not everyone has equal opportunities in life and most do the best they can with what they have. So before you judge me or anyone with student loans take a second and realize you don't know all the facts you don't know what they had to work with. You don't know how many scholarships they applied for and didn't receive. You don't know what learning disability they have struggled with effect grades and test scores. You don't know ANYTHING.
I'm all for educating people on the troubles with debt. However, ,I'm not for making those that have debt feel worse for something I'm sure makes them feel bad enough already. For something they struggle with every single day. Lets change the way banks and government operates lets talk about what can be done for those struggling and for the future so the next generation doesn't have to. Lets encourage one another not judge. I'm not asking for hand outs but at 14K paid into a 8k loan I feel like I've done my share....
I'm happy student debt is part of the presidential discussion because I was lied to, I've worked hard to pay it off and I have nothing NOTHING to show for it in 10 years and my personal debt is much smaller than the average. No I'm not writing this so you feel bad for me. I just want you to stop and think before you enter the conversation on student loan debt and to remember to focus on encouragement, understanding and better future for everyone.
Yes my parents encouraged college, and if they could have helped me they would have in a heart beat. They simply wanted more for me then they had a neither went to college. They started the change the best they could. All 3 of their children got a college degree. Its got to start somewhere.
No debt is ever good. I wish I had grown up knowing that. My daughter will.
It stops here.
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