Friday, May 8, 2015

Let's all hurt together.

I told myself I wasn't going to do this this year, write that blog. There are so many better blogs out there on this subject. So vastly better then the words stuck in my heart and the back of my eyes. But here I am, time is marching on to another Mothers Day weekend that dreaded second Sunday if May, and I'm writing that blog.

 It's a hard day, it's a hurting day, it's defiantly a struggle. No flowers, cards, or breakfast in bed for us. When you are even more painfully aware that desires of your heart have yet to be granted.  But we have to remember that it's not our fault, it's most certainly not the fault of the amazing mommies being honored. We have to remember it's no ones fault when you go to church, or out to eat and instead of standing up as a mother you remain seated with your head bowed blinking back tears. Instead of being handed a flower you force a smile and walk past...

You have to remember that it's okay...they deserve this...and it's not that you don't.

Because we do... We fight everyday with the lose of what is considered a right of passage for woman. Even if we still have hope and un-shaking faith that it will still change..we fight to keep even that hope. It's real and it's crippling...and on Mothers Day it's all but impossible.

So to the lovely lady in the back of the church, or sitting at a table with your family and their kids, or buying a gift for your own mommy, or even that single lady still waiting for Mr. Right. For all you teachers like myself, helping a classroom full of kids make a mothers day gift, knowing you don't have a child in a classroom making one for you... those with hurts and loses and empty wombs and shattered dreams. THIS IS FOR YOU....

WE are special,

God knows we're strong,  and we deserve to be honored. Hold your head up, remember; they deserve it and so do you. Remember this mothers day we have hope in a future no matter WHAT that future holds. The promises and blessings of Mothers Day are ours as well. Reach beyond yourself and encourage a mother, for they have their own set of hurts. Please, encourage yourself to acknowledge your emotions, the hurt, and please don't feel guilty for them because you are not alone in your pain. We are strong so often that now and then we are allowed to be weak.

Further more, all you lovely, blessed, mothers out there who do so much everyday with out any recognition often all alone. Enjoy your day, God knows you deserve it. Remember those of us who can only watch from the outside...On a day we often feel the most alone and forlorn...encourage us as you are being encouraged.

Because "in the shelter of each other we will live." lets build each other up, lets hurt in our own ways, and carry each others crosses. We are how we treat each other nothing more.


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